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Summer On My Mind! #12

Summer weather is upon us (or messing with our heads during April showers) and the countdown has begun until shorts and flip-flops foray into a more regular role.  Of course, everyone has their own fantasy of a perfect funday about town – some like the Georgetown waterfront (although not in its current state), others prefer the other waterfront out in southwest DC by Nationals Stadium, and still others enjoy rooftop bars that are sprinkled around downtown like P.O.V and out in Nothern Virginia like Clarendon Ballroom

My favorite summer funday location is Cantina Marina, located at 600 Water Street on the Southwest waterfront.  Decorated in a Parrothead theme that would make Jimmy Buffet proud, the watering hole has an atmosphere that is second to none.  As one frequenter mentioned to me once, “There is something fun about drinking near boats and listening to tunes that take you away from the fast-paced lifestyle like that of a DC Captiol Hill staffer with no money.”  And he has a point.  After spending hours on end going through the motions during the week, the last thing you want to do is think about how you can destress without in turn stressing out.  During my 4 years on Capitol Hill I found this quandary dominating the psyche of many who just wanted to escape the mile and a half campus that is the Capitol building and surrounding House and Senate office buildings to a “happy place” where you are too far to return to the office to help send out one more constituent letter. 

To me, Cantina Marina was the the peace and tranquility that I was looking for, and it is to this day. 

So with that said? Where is your DC happy place?  It could be a restaurant, a museum, an activity, or even something as simple as a park bench or nearby landmark.  Where is your inner Margaritaville?

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  1. April 23, 2011 at 2:23 pm

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